Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Tradition

One of the traditions we’ve had in our family is the Christmas Eve opening of the stockings. As a kid, I remember getting a few pieces of chocolate, a few mixed nuts still in the shell, and an orange. It was a great time. Of course the anticipation for the next morning was great.

Growing up, there were usually a couple of gifts each and we couldn’t wait to open the brightly wrapped treasures. Probably the most memorial gift for me was a snow cone machine shaped like a snowman. The kit came with a couple of plastic cups that I filled with water and placed in the freezer. A few hours later I was in business. 

The ice block was placed in the snowman’s head and pressed down with his hat. I turned a crank on his back and shaved ice appeared in his stomach. The kit was complete with several bottles of flavors and paper cones. My brother and I ate most of them, but being the entrepreneur that I am, I sold some to the neighborhood kids.

As I write this, my kids are taking turns loading goodies in one another’s stockings. We will then go, one at a time and choose one thing from our stocking. We will repeat this until everyone has emptied his or her stocking. When the kids were small, they would put several individual pieces of candy in the stockings. It was forbidden to take more than one item from the stocking per trip, so the process could take a long time.

The kids are telling me it’s my turn to load the stockings so I’d better go. It’s already near 10:30 and I hope to get to bed sometime before morning. Santa will appreciate not being placed in a holding pattern around our house, waiting for us to go to bed.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all Goodnight!

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